The mind commands the body and is instantly obeyed. The mind commands itself and meets resistance. The mind commands the hand to move, and it so easy that one hardly distinguishes the order from its execution. Yet mind is mind and hand is body. The mind orders the mind to will. The recipient of the order is itself, yet it does not perform it. Augustine Of Hippo
Some Similar Quotes
  1. One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too. - Friedrich Nietzsche

  2. Everybody has a home team: It’s the people you call when you get a flat tire or when something terrible happens. It’s the people who, near or far, know everything that’s wrong with you and love you anyways. These are the ones who tell you... - Shauna Niequist

  3. Can he love her? Can the soul really be satisfied with such polite affections? To love is to burn - to be on fire, like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise... - Emma Thompson

  4. The heart is a strange beast and not ruled by logic. - Maria V. Snyder

  5. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions. - Elizabeth Gilbert

More Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo
  1. To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.

  2. Once for all, then, a short precept is given thee: Love, and do what thou wilt: whether thou hold thy peace, through love hold thy peace; whether thou cry out, through love cry out; whether thou correct, through love correct; whether thou spare, through love...

  3. Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore, seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.

  4. In my deepest wound I saw your glory, and it dazzled me.

  5. I held my heart back from positively accepting anything, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was being all the more killed.

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